Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Managing my Money

Anyone need help managing their money? I do.......I'm open to suggestions that work for you. I am an avid reader of new topics that interest me so I should find a book to help me.  However corny it sounds, I find the "XXX for Dummies" books good for any new topic.  I hope a "Budgeting for Dummies" book exists.  Anyone have the additional challenge of being paid once a month and then managing to have money left at the end of the month?   

So bloggers, I'm looking for some help.  Do you have a budget?  Do you balance your checkbook in the paper register, like when we used to write checks for everything?  I use my Debit card for everything but don't write anything down.  I've tried but gave up. I keep my receipts stuffed in my wallet and if I'm really good, periodically look at my online account to see what my balance is (especially before a purchase over $100).  Anyone out there successful at tracking what they spend?  Do you have a template, some tool, some software?  It's been 17 years since I starting getting paid monthly (which stinks) and I still don't have a solution for managing my money. 

Feel free to share your tips in the comment section below or send me an e-mail at erinhummingbird19 at gmail dot com.  I will post any tips I receive next week.

Hugs all, E


  1. Hi there, E! My first advice to you is to know your financial status. I think that is the first step towards money management. From there, you can have a clear perspective of your finances and plot a strategy to save money. Another is to make a spending diary that would help you track your spending and earnings.

  2. I agree with Jaden that the best way to manage your money is to keep a spending diary. Set a standard spending amount every week or every month. And then do the accounting at the end to make sure that everything ties up. It’s a bit time consuming, but this method makes me more confident with my budgeting.

    - Enrique

  3. One efficient tip that I can give you is to follow a monthly budget. You should create a list of things that you need to prioritize. Your budget would correspond to that list to help you set a ceiling on your spending. There's nothing wrong with splurging at certain times though. At some point, these are the things that make you happy. However, you have to make sure that you don't go beyond your means.


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