Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Getting to know you (Part 1 of 3)

...getting to know all about you.... (Can you hear me singing?) 

My Kickass, Coolass, Awesome Chick "Amber" over at Amber: Kickass Wife, Coolass Friend and All Around Awesome Chick (http://scrappinamber.blogspot.com/) has tagged me in a getting to know you post. Basically she's giving me 8 questions to answer, I then pass it along to some people with 8 new questions I create.

Note that she was tagged by another one of my Favorite bloggers, Sara, over at Welcome to Sara's Organized Chaos (http://strandupdate.blogspot.com/).  Check them both out, the blog often and are full of Sass and Spunk.   

So here are Sara's questions posed to Amber (that I thought I would answer these first as I'm still thinking of answers for Miss Amber's questions):

1. If you could spend the rest of your life doing only one thing, what would that be? Anything that involves creating something, i.e. scrapbooking, cards, painting, baking, blogging, paper crafts, etc.  These are the things that fill me with pure joy.

2. What is the best thing you can bake/cook?  I make a kiss-ass Chocolate-Chocolate Fudge with chocolate chip cake with Fudge frosting that is to die for.......but only if you love chocolate.

3. What household chore is your least favorite? Seriously?!  I don't like any household chore but my least favorite would be dusting........it is the most worthless chore that exists.  Dust today, returns within the hour cuz you just stir up the stuff in the air and it falls back onto every surface.  I vow to NOT DUST unless I have company coming.  So if you arrive unannounced at my house, do not comment on the state of my chaos.....I have better things to do than clean.

4. If you could bring three things to a deserted island, what would they be? Well this question doesn't say it has to be realistic so:

1)  a magic house with every possible luxury and necessity I could imagine
(food, clothes, A/C-cuz I think a deserted island would be hot, cook, maid, etc)
and replenishment of all items are automatic,
I don't have to lift a finger
2)  cool technology (cell phone, laptop, iPad, mp3, etc.)
3)  a man of my choosing that, of course, worships me

5. What's the next big thing you are thinking about splurging on? Well I don't have a next thing as I bought an iPad in April with my tax refund and it is AWESOME!  And... I have been thinking about buying a new vehicle and have had my 2004 Nissan Quest (a mom Van) in the shop twice recently as the transmission was slipping.  So I took the plunge last week and traded for a 2005 Honda Pilot......and it is Awesome! 

And the bonus to the vehicle splurge......my teenage boys think I'm cool.....cuz "a big white van is NOT COOL MOM"!! 

6. Post a current photo, if you wish to be elusive, an abstract of closeup will do just fine.

Yeah that's me sitting in traffic taking my own photo with my cell phone. 
I really am pathetic.  LOL

7. If you could have ANY pet EVER, what/who would it be? Realistically? I don't want any more pets, ever.  Unless there is a pet that will feed/water, walk/exercise itself, clean itself and all messes and is QUIET. Pets are too much work, it is like having another kid in the house.  Many years ago (when I was married) we had an indoor farm (my term for it) of 12 animals.....all of which needed continuous attention is some fashion.

5 Cats
(I like cats just fine but the amount of potty stuff they produce
and cleaning a litter box is downright NASTY, ugh!)2 Gerbils
3 Chincilla's
(Yes we did.  These are rodents that people used to make coats out of. 
They are very cute and soft but not meant for house roaming. 
They love to chew on wood, wires.....anything and like rabbits.......they poop alot!)
2 Dogs
(Both Rat Terriers who are "wound" like tazmanian devils but great with kids.)
(Cage cleaning is "gross", messy and bedding stinks unless emptied weekly,
which I was not fond of.)

AND we also had a 55 gal fresh water fish tank with lots of special fish
that I was NOT responsible for (thank heavens)
but took up a huge wall in one room.

Getting to Know You, Part 2 of 3 coming soon (Answers to the questions Amber posted)......to a blog near you.

Hugs, Erin

p.s. I have had my fill of pets. Last year we saved a pregnant 1 year old cat and things were fine until the babies left. She then proceeded to pee and poop on the living room carpet, NOT in her litter box. That cat cost me $584 in carpet replacement for the living room plus vets bills for shots, spay, etc. Probably around $1,000 total.  We have NO pets right now and I am GOOD with that.

Another New Flower painting

This one is also done with acrylic paints, on a 16x20 canvas.

Hugs, Erin

New Lily Painting # 2, acrylic paints on canvas

I have been on back rest (bed/couch rest) for the last two weeks but i am finally feeling better. I managed to paint and scrapbook this past weekend, in short sessions, which was wonderful.

Hugs, Erin

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Hello from Stressed and Sad.......

Because I LOVE LISTS, this is what you get today.....something short and sweet (well, not really short or sweet but an explanation).

I plan to continue my blog as it is a great outlet for me.  I have been conflicted about sharing the details of my challenges so I will share the pieces I'm comfortable with and leave out the details that are better left quiet.
Who:  Erin

What:  has been stressed to the max (so I've been on hiatus from blogging or even reading blogs)

When:  since forever (or at least since the last post, and the post before that and.....!!!)

Where:  right here in Iowa City, Iowa (stress and thoughts run my brain in vicious circles......round and round which of course affects my regulation of emotions.......which in turn affects my body......so Guess What.....my back is on STRIKE for the last two weeks and I am SOOO not impressed!!!!!!!!)

Why:  because I was born to worry, because my aging parents' health has me freaking out, work, kids, money, life, relationships, my future, decisions that need to be made......all which cause me to be happy one moment and sad the next.  THEN remember that I have teenagers (who I love unconditionally and would die for them without hesitation but.....oh my......they really make a single mom want to drown her thoughts with alcohol some days).  And it's summer so they need to be kept busy which means I always have a houseful of teenage boys that results in lots of noise, slamming doors, muddy shoes, wet clothes, empty dishes and LOTS OF cooking and cleaning (but when they are in my house, I know where they are and what they are doing...but feeding them NEVER ENDS, they are always STARVING!!!) and I'm just getting into the summer rhythm of complete CHAOS and

(I do not thank you mam') 

I am slammed into INTENSE QUIET, I'm alone...the boys left to spend 16 days/nights with their father on Friday, July 2.  Regardless of all the other things I'm stressed about.....this event by itself is enough to send me to the looney bin.  I know, most of you are thinking, "Enjoy the quiet, enjoy the alone time, do what you want, when you want to do it.  Eat out, have fun, enjoy your time alone or with friends."

I agree, every summer I try very hard to plan things to do and reach out to my network of friends that are wonderful, understand my challenge and my intense emotions during the kids absence.  This is my 5th summer without them for over a week and this year is only a smidgen better than previous summers.

On a happier note, I am very blessed and thankful for the special friends in my life (and my Man) who understand my many challenges and have been very supportive. They listen to me rant, ramble, cry and then make me laugh.......and accept me despite my faults.  :-)

Hugs,  Erin

p.s.  Good news, I have done two large paintings (very good for me to do those) and have the photos taken and uploaded, just need to post for you.

p.s.s.  More good news, I have a number of topics I want to share, I just need to put them in writing.