Saturday, March 13, 2010

Sucky Friday (Part I)

What a lousy Friday yesterday was.....geez.  I seriously wished someone would put me out of my misery or that LEMON would fall over dead. (Yah I know I'm part crazy....) I offer anyone to live a week in my life and see how you feel.  I could make this a gloriously happy post and lie my arse off, i.e. "OMG girls, I had such a FABulous day I wish you could have shared it with me!!"  But no, I CAN NOT TELL A LIE........this day sucked from the moment my feet hit the floor at 6:50 am. 

Sucky #1 - Someone (probably T2) used all of MY the color-safe shampoo without telling me so when I realized the bottle was empty I am already wet and soapy.  DAMN, dripping wet I walk to my closet to grab another bottle.  GUESS WHAT?  You guessed it folks no more of my shampoo in the closet.  Grrrrrrrrrr.........!  I reluctantly settled for a travel size shampoo/conditioner combination which will make my hair look stringy by the end of the day but what's a cold, soapy, naked woman to do.  She promptly got her cold arse back in the warm shower.

Sucky #2 - I proceed to dry my hair but the dryer was blowing at half speed and evidently in the process of dying.  IRRITATING!!  I have long hair so I usually shower at night so I can skip the 15-20 minutes drying wet hair in the morning.  I was seriously wishing I had dragged my lazy butt to the shower on Thursday night.

Sucky #3 -  I had attempted to rouse T2 at least 5 times by 7:20 am and he made no attempt to move from the bed. IRRITATING!!!

Sucky #4 - While finishing my hair/make-up I hear a door slam and lock.  T2 refuses to open the door or move his arse to the shower.  IRRITATING!!!!

Sucky #5 - I can not find the "metal thing" to unlock his door so I precede to "flip out".  Excerpts include:  "You are going to be late for school!", "You are making your brother late for school!", "Unlock this door, NOW!", "I AM GOING TO BE LATE FOR WORK!", "I will leave you here and not call you in to school.  I will tell them you locked yourself in your room and refuse to come out". was truly a banner morning.  So proud of my ability NOT to freak out.  Such a memorable "Mom" moment.  Grrrrrrrrr............!!!!! 

This girl is tired so Part 2 will have to come tomorrow.

Hugs, E

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