Thursday, March 11, 2010

I am Woman! I am Invincible!................!

I am woman hear me roar.......I am invincible.....

and remember that "God will never give you more than you can handle"

Some days I'm not so sure about this, yet.......I made it through another day of emotional roller coaster riding. 

I accept that I am emotional......I am WOMAN!
I accept that I cry.....................I am WOMAN!
I accept my mood swings... .......I am WOMAN!

Listen to the song by Helen Reddy:

So does "I am WOMAN!" give me permission to slap people up side their stupid heads????!!!

I sure hope so 'cuz someone is gonna get it folks.......look out, you might be next!

Hugs (or maybe hate, not sure at the moment), E


  1. Hey, thanks for the follow. Hope you stay a while it can get a little unstable at my house.

  2. Thanks for the follow back. Love your blog and especially love the one today. Things are always unstable at my house so hope you stay with me too.

  3. I've come to the belief that almost everybody in the world could use a good slap upside the head.

  4. Susan - I agree, I want to slap someone at least daily.


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