Friday, April 2, 2010

Juvenile Friday - The Orange Monkey

Good Friday Bloggers - This might or might not be the beginning of a regular Friday topic........we will see.  I am calling this Juvenile Friday as this has been a recent "Funny" to my circle of female friends so thought I would share with my blogger friends.  I have a small (yes we are juvenile-but heck you have got to have some fun in life) network of gal-pals who love to laugh about things that annoy others, especially some particular individuals.  An Orange Monkey photo has been a recent topic of hilarity. 

Is "hilarity" a word?  And if it isn't, 'cuz i'm not looking it up, I'm using it anyway.

The monkey photo has not been well received by a particular "Fun Hater" as "they" find the photo (and probably monkeys of any kind) to be offensive.  Oh boy, the fact that someone can be so "put off" by a photo of a money......well this really winds us up a notch in our level of juvenile-ism.  We have literally laughed ourselves silly (and to tears) by posting the photos in view of the "Fun Hater".

Here are a few Orange Monkey photos for your juvenille enjoyment (LOL).

Now really, isn't this just the funniest little bright orange money you have ever seen? 

Awww...look at the baby monkey......she is so adorable!!

Now this guy looks like a grandpa monkey to me.........but he's still funny. 
How would you like to look like this?

Some people really need to live life more fully and have some fun.  Act like a kid now and then, even if is stupid and juvenile, you will laugh more and feel better. 

Hugs,  Erin

Disclaimer:  Please note that photos included in this post are NOT mine. 
I am openly stating that they came directly from the web, links provided above. 
I am giving full credit to the author at each site. 
I thank each author for having such cute Orange Monkey photos available
 for my personal enjoyment.


  1. Posted the award you had given me a few weeks ago. I know such a slacker.

  2. Happy Good Friday to you! OH MY GOSH, I love the monkeys. I love your "hilarity" and you just rock girl friend! (Giggling over here!)

  3. Monkeys are so cute but my favorite primates are Apes and Orangutans!

    But I'll take the monkey in a pinch!


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