Thursday, March 18, 2010

Beautiful Blogger Award...Woo Hoo!!

Blogger World:  I am pleased to ANNOUNCE my very first Blogger recognition...the Beautiful Blogger Award.  I am shocked, amazed and truly stunned. 

A HUGE Thank You to Spirit Phoenix at for reading and recognizing my blog. Check her out as I love her blog as well.

A big "Squeal" of girly excitement escaped by lips this morning when I read this. 

1. Thank the person who gave you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass the award along to 15 bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic!
4. Contact the bloggers you've picked and let them know about the award.

Seven things about myself (This was hard for me, I have spent the last 3 hours trying to decide what to share so here goes.....):

1. I love jewelry and prefer silver.  I had very little jewelry 4 years ago (at the time of my divorce) and now I have enough to fill 3 jewelry cases.  I sold Lia Sophia jewelry for about a year and accumulated lots of sample pieces and still buy on a regular basis.

2. I have a creative soul.... so I paint, scrapbook, make hand-made cards, play piano.  Before I had children, I made stuffed toys and various crafts.  I also took classes in cake decorating and did some basic flower arranging.

3. I am afraid of the dark so have night lights all over my house.

4. I sleep in socks because my feet are always cold.

5. I LOVE to read: romance, mystery, self-help, decorating/organizing, blogs, parenting, technology. I am like a sponge for new information.

6. I have a serious weakness for chocolate:  Oreos, Snickers, Chocolate Cake, Brownies meet a quick death at my house.  Mmmmm......the guilty pleasure.

7.  I am hypoglycemic which makes my weakness with chocolate (or any sweets) off-limits except for very small and limited amounts.

To my 15 favorite bloggers below, I am sure many of you have already received this award so don't worry about reposting (unless you want to).

1.  Katy @

2.  Susan @

3.  Danon @

4.  Jennifer @

5.  Scissor Girl @

6.  WannabeVirginia W. @

7.  Tracy @

8.  Kit @

9.  Wendy @

10.  Christie @

11.  Sara @

12.  Marilee @

13.  Danielle @

14.  Carrie @

15.  Stephanie @
You brighten my days and inspire me to write about my life. 

Hugs, E


  1. THANKS SO MUCH. This is oh so awesome. I'm glad you get a laugh out of my blog and thanks for sharing the award and for sharing me with your followers. YOU DA BOMB!!!

  2. Thank you so much for the award. I will post on awards soon.

    You and me both. I am afraid of the dark too. Sometimes, I wake up in the middle of the night and turn my light on just to check if I am still here. Not in here, like your comment box, but on my bed. Oh dear, I tired.

  3. How sweet of you!! I rarely win anything, so thank you very much!! xoxo

  4. Thank you so much! So, so sweet!

  5. THANK YOU !!!

    you have brought me out of my sick cocoon. I am very honoured to have you give this to me along with the likes of these chickies!!

    Thanks again!!!!


  6. Hugs to all of you deserving woman inspiring me to share myself with the world! You are most welcome.

  7. Thank you so much - I am honored! *blush* :-)

  8. Tracy - You are very deserving!

  9. Erin, Thanks so much for giving me this award. I'm so flattered that you would think of me and my blog. This award to you is well deserved...congratulations.


  10. Hi Erin, I have come over from the Vintage Wren and am so glad I have. Love your blog and look forward to following your adventures.


  11. Carrie- I love your blog so a well deserved award!

    Chania - Happy to hear I have a new follower and even better that you found me via Vintage Wren. I will check out your blog as well.


  12. Congrats! I just came over from a visit with thevintagewren and thought I would stop over for a visit with you as well.

    I have a serious weekness for Chocolate, Dark Chocolate though with nuts/fruit.

    Stop over for a visit I would love to have you.Cheers Kim

  13. Hia Erin

    Just found you via the Vintage wren. Loving your blog, will be surfing back again soon. Happy Easter. Congrats on your award. Well deserved. x


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