Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The ABC's of Me

I stole this from another blogger so definitely giving her credit for the idea. 

You can check our her great blog at

So here are a few bits about me:

A - Age: 41

B - Bed size: Queen but wish I had replaced my old King mattress with another is so much nicer when you have an overnight guest (mmmm)

C - Chore you hate: Cleaning the bathroom (yuk)

D - Divorced and Ditsy: Yes (had to change this from the orginal heading of Dogs)

E - Essential start your day item:  Milk (I'm weird, I love coffee but it doesn't like me as much these days)

F - Favorite color:  Purple or Lavendar

G - Gold or Silver or Platinum:  Silver

H - Height: 5' 0" (I am not short, I am under-tall)

I - Instruments you play: Piano and flute

J - Juice: I like them all, grape, orange, apple, cranberry, etc.

K - Kid(s): Two boys, 12 and 15 yrs

L - Living arrangements: I live in a townhouse with my 2 teenagers (and their friends), we have no pets

M - Mom's name: Rita

N- Nicknames: "Frenchie" in high school and my Dad has a pet name for me that only my family knows (and I'm not sharing it)

O - Overnight hospital stay other than birth: Yes, 4 times. 1) tonsils removed at 4 yrs, 2) ear drum repair at 10 yrs, 3) birth of 1st son, 4) birth of 2nd son

P - Pet Peeve: Stupid people, controlling people, people that have no ability to filter their thoughts from pouring out of their mouth, people who have an inability to control their anger

Q - Quote: 1) "Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt, and dance like you do when nobody's watching."
2) "You learn something new every day. Usually, how dumb yet another person is." - Maxine

R - Right handed or left handed: Right X - X-rays you've had: I am a klutz so I've had pretty much had everything x-ray'd (2 broken ankles/legs, broken toe, sprained wrist, chipped elbow, back and abdomen for various other issues not related to being a klutz.)

S - Siblings: 2 sisters- Jacqueline (Jackie) and DarlaNell (Darla); 1 brother- John

T - Time you wake up: Workdays at 6:45 am, Weekends at 9 am or later

U- Underwear: I wear them and should buy some new ones.

V - Vegetable you dislike: Dislike is far too mild....I despise Brussel Sprouts and Lima Beans (disgusting things!!!)

W - Ways you run late: sleep through the alarm, don't allow enough driving time to my destination, think of things to do prior to leaving the house. I am slightly ADD/OCD so focus is a challenge for me, I've probably used every excuse in the book.

X - X-rays you've had: I am a Klutz so I’ve had most of my body x-ray’d. Both legs and ankles, one elbow, both wrists, one foot, abdomen, back and breasts.

Y - Yummy food you make: I am a great baker of cake, pies, cookies, sweet treats.  I can cook about anything if I have a recipe.  My kids two favorites:  Chocolate fudge chocolate chip cake with chocolate fudge frosting and spaghetti 

Z - Zoo favorite: Hard to pick just one fav, probably a toss up between the Koala and the Sea Lion

(Aren't these sweet photos?)
Hugs, E

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